As mentioned, this blog is a placeholder for my shiny new website, currently undergoing its facelift. Thanks to those of you who’ve indulged me by hanging around this joint as I count down to the “family” release.

The good news is, THE RELEASE IS NEXT WEEK!

Oh, my goodness CAN YOU EVEN?

I, for one, cannot. Seriously.

Still on the horizon, in case you managed to miss it,

*a reading and signing with the Contemps up in Larchmont, NY, 4/29

*an appearance at BEA on 5/26

*a feature on

*a feature on

*various still-being-finalized blog interviews COMING SOON TO A WEBSITE NEAR YOU!

…And other things I might be forgetting in all of the excitement.

So in addition to all of the above hoopla, next week should ALSO bring the unveiling of the new site. Still at this address so you don’t even have to go out of your way to find me. See what I did there? Who’s looking out for you?

Happy weekend, readers!

Yes, people, the book releases officially on Tuesday, 4/26, so today, it’s all about me. Deal with it.

*Dying to read family? Pre-order your copy now!

*Want a chance to meet yours truly and get a copy of the book all signed and pretty? Come see me at BEA, Thursday, 5/26, 12;12:30, table 5.

*Want to read an amazing review of the book via librarian Liz Burns? Here you go! Sorry to be all braggy-pants, but I can’t help but post a snippet. I don’t think anyone has ever said such nice things about my writing in my life!

Because the language is deceptively simple. Because phrases haunt me. Because I want, so desperately, for Mel to find herself. Because I found sympathy for the most unsympathetic actions. Family is a Favorite Book Read in 2011.

*And one from VOYA:

Ellen Hopkins fans will appreciate the use of verse to tell the gruesome story. Those who know the details of the Manson murders, particularly those who have delved into Helter Skelter by Vincent Bugliosi (Norton, 2001), will quickly notice the similarities between real life and fiction here….[A]n interesting psychological study of cults and the lost souls they attract.

*And finally, what better birthday present than a night of reading, signing, and schmoozing with other awesome Contemps? April 29th, The Voracious Reader, Larchmont, NY. Come for the authors, stay for the free pizza!

I think that’s about it, for now. Next week will probably be equally self-promotional and gross, what with the book releasing and all, but, y’know. Hopefully it’s understandable.

Hope you can make it out to an event or five!

I love, love, love it!
(Can you say that about something so super creepy?)

Thank you so much to Brother Dave and Dan Salomon of Hello King for capturing the eeriness of the book. And thanks to everyone on facebook and twitter for all of the shout-outs!


March 15, 2011

…the first box of finished copies of family!

That high-pitched whine your dog just cocked its head at is my squee-ing.

Side note: a box of these babies sitting smack in the middle of the living room is SO. CREEPY.

My blog, my rules. So there.

Yesterday I offered an arc of “family” to any commenter or Facebook fan page follower. Fabulous authoress Nina LaCour was kind enough to take me up on my offer. But I’ve decided we can do better than one arc (don’t worry, Nina – your entry’s already covered!).

New rules for the blog giveaway:

Comment on ANY blog post between now and 4/29,

OR link to the blog/follow the blog,

OR “like” the Facebook Micol Ostow page,

and you’re entered to win:

1) a signed copy of “family”









2) an arc of my summer release, “What Would My Cellphone Do?” and










3) a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble. If you chose the link/follow or FB “like” option, shoot me a message on FB so I know to enter you!Enter the contest! Tell your friends! Heck, enter your friends! Whatevs! Giveaways are fun!

Springing forward…

March 14, 2011

…with all sorts of new changes going on online!

A new book (available for pre-order just over to your right? Do you see? Yes!) means it’s time for a new look for my website. Alas, it won’t be ready for a bit yet, and I wanted to be sure that my most recent updates were up and running for those of you who are just dying to keep up with moi. Hence, this lovely blog. Read the blog. Share the blog. Embrace the blog.

Publishers Weekly called family “dark, mesmerizing, and hazy,” which has been enough to keep me going while I angst about plotting the follow-up (NOT sequel) novel, and I’ve also created a Micol Ostow Facebook page. I mean, you know, if you’re into that kind of thing.

In the meantime, there are events on the horizon! I will be live, in person, with hair brushed, which anyone who has ever stopped by unannounced will tell you is an occasion to marvel. Notably, here:


*Note that the Fest will be running all this week, though my panel is on Friday. I am on the mend from a nasty cold, but will be at as many of the events as my sinuses allow. You should try to be, too! Full schedule here.

Friday March 18th

NYPL South Court, 42nd Street

2:10 – 3:00: Telling the Truths – Hard Topics, Illuminating Fiction

Eireann Corrigan, Donna Freitas, Sarah Darer Littman, and Kimberly Marcus
Moderator: David Levithan


Friday, April 29th

The Voracious Reader Bookstore, Larchmont, NY



Sarah Darer Littman, Michael Northrop, and Melissa Walker


Saturday, April 9th

The Albany Academics

2:30-3:15: Discussion: The Value of Contemporary YA Literature


Aimee Ferris, Jo Knowles, Eric Luper, and Melissa Walker


So, there you have it – three chances to see me potentially saying something useful! Imagine!

In the meantime, in celebration of the new book and new blog, how about a giveaway? Post a comment here, then head over to Facebook to “like” my author page, and you’re entered to win an ARC of family. Exciting, no?